Running RASCAS

This code propagates photons defined in step 2 into the mesh defined in step 1. It has a number of runtime input parameters of its own.

Input parameters

DomDumpDir   = directory_where_domain_and_mesh_files_are
PhotonICFile = path_to_the_photonsIC_file
fileout      = path_to_the_photons_results_file
nbundle      = 10
verbose      = T

verbose = T

verbose = T
restart       = F
PhotonBakFile = path_to_the_photons_backup_file
dt_backup     = time_in_seconds_between_2_backups

# mixture parameters
deut2H_nb_ratio     = 3.000E-05
f_ion               = 0.01
Zref                = 0.005   ! OK for LMC dust model.
# overwrite parameters
gas_overwrite       = F

recoil    = T
isotropic = F

recoil    = T
isotropic = F

albedo       = 0.32
g_dust       = 0.73
dust_model   = SMC

method        = RASCAS
xForGaussian  = 8.

approximation = COLT

Then again, compile with make rascas.

  • Running a serial version of the code:

    $ ./rascas-serial params_serial.cfg
  • Running the code with MPI with <n_mpi> MPI ranks:

    $ mpiexec -n <n_mpi> ./rascas params_rascas.cfg

Or submit a job on a parallel queue.