Preparing the domains

CreateDomDump reads in a simulation snapshot, extracts all leaf cells in a given domain, and gets their relevant physical properties (e.g. n_HI, T, …). A typical parameter file for this is the following. It contains 4 sections, referring to the main program and three modules that are used.

# input outputs:
DomDumpDir = directory_where_outputting_files
repository = directory_where_ramses_outputs_are
snapnum    = output_number
reading_method = fullbox

# computational domain parameters
comput_dom_type      = sphere
comput_dom_pos       =  0.5, 0.5, 0.5
comput_dom_rsp       =  0.3

# domain decomposition parameters
decomp_dom_type      = sphere
decomp_dom_ndomain   = 1
decomp_dom_xc        =  0.5
decomp_dom_yc        =  0.5
decomp_dom_zc        =  0.5
decomp_dom_rsp       =  0.32

# miscelaneous :
verbose    = T

verbose = T

# mixture parameters
deut2H_nb_ratio     = 3.000E-05
f_ion               = 0.01
Zref                = 0.005   ! OK for LMC dust model.
# overwrite parameters
gas_overwrite       = F

self_shielding   = F
ramses_rt        = F
verbose          = T
cosmo            = T
use_initial_mass = F
use_proper_time  = F
itemp  = 5
imetal = 6
ihii   = 7
iheii  = 8
iheiii = 9

Once the parameter (say params_CDD.cfg) file is edited, one should compile the code with make CreateDomDump in the rascas/f90 directory, and execute with ./CreateDomDump params_CDD.cfg.

Createdomdump is parallelized with OpenMP

$ export OMP_NUM_THREAD = <n_omp>
$ ./CreateDomDump params_cdd.cfg

To make sure CreateDomDump works properly, use limit stacksize unlimited before running it interactively.