.. _secQuickStart: Get RASCAS and run it ##################### Download the code ================= You can download a snapshot of the code from the `gitlab `_ repository using .. code-block:: bash $ git clone https://git-cral.univ-lyon1.fr/rascas/rascas.git In case you already have an account on `gitlab `_ and uploaded a public SSH key on it, you could then rather use SSH: .. code-block:: bash $ git clone git@git-cral.univ-lyon1.fr:rascas/rascas.git Doing that, you got the master branch of the project. To get the latest develop branch you should do: .. code-block:: bash $ git checkout -b develop --track origin/develop Setting up compiler options, the gas composition, and compiling =============================================================== First, go in the source directory .. code-block:: bash $ cd rascas/f90 Edit the Makefile to choose/set tge compiler options. **RASCAS** is written in Fortran and use the MPI library, so you need a Fortran compiler and a compiled version of MPI. .. code-block:: makefile OPTIONS = -cpp # ifort, optimized mode F90 = mpif90 FFLAGS = -O3 -fpp -ftz -xavx -ipo -fno-alias -fno-fnalias -no-prec-div -no-prec-sqrt -align all FFLAGS += $(OPTIONS) LDFLAGS = -lmpi endif # gfortran F90 = mpif90 -ffree-line-length-none -ffree-form FFLAGS = -O3 FFLAGS += $(OPTIONS) LDFLAGS = -lmpi endif # gfortran, debug mode F90 = mpif90-openmpi-gcc8 FFLAGS = -g -fcheck=all -ffree-line-length-none -ffree-form -ftrapv -fbounds-check -fbacktrace -Wall FFLAGS += $(OPTIONS) LDFLAGS = At this point, you also have to specify the composition of the gas mixture you want to use. This is simply done by commenting/decommenting the right line in the Makefile .. code-block:: makefile # choose the gas mix you want to use # 1/ HI, D, and dust COMPOBJS = module_dust_model.o module_D_1215_model.o module_HI_1216_model.o module_gas_composition_HI_D_dust.o # 2/ HI and dust #COMPOBJS = module_dust_model.o module_HI_1216_model.o module_gas_composition_HI_dust.o # 3/ pure HI #COMPOBJS = module_HI_1216_model.o module_gas_composition_HI.o # 4/ pure RAMSES hydro variables #COMPOBJS = module_gas_composition_ramses.o # 5/ SiII 1190/1193 #COMPOBJS = module_SiII_1190_model.o module_SiII_1193_model.o module_gas_composition_SiII_1190_1193.o # 6/ SiII 1190/1193 and dust #COMPOBJS = module_dust_model.o module_SiII_1190_model.o module_SiII_1193_model.o module_gas_composition_SiII_1190_1193_dust.o # 7/ MgII #COMPOBJS = module_MgII_2796_model.o module_MgII_2804_model.o module_gas_composition_MgII.o # 8/ MgII and dust #COMPOBJS = module_dust_model.o module_MgII_2796_model.o module_MgII_2804_model.o module_gas_composition_MgII_dust.o # 9/ FeII UV1 #COMPOBJS = module_FeII_2587_model.o module_FeII_2600_model.o module_gas_composition_FeII_UV1.o # 10/ FeII UV1 and dust #COMPOBJS = module_dust_model.o module_FeII_2587_model.o module_FeII_2600_model.o module_gas_composition_FeII_UV1_dust.o # 11/ SiII 1260 #COMPOBJS = module_SiII_1260_model.o module_gas_composition_SiII_1260.o # 12/ SiII 1260 and dust #COMPOBJS = module_dust_model.o module_SiII_1260_model.o module_gas_composition_SiII_1260_dust.o # 13/ pure dust #COMPOBJS = module_dust_model.o module_gas_composition_dust.o Then, just do ``make rascas`` to compile